V(^^)V ~ youkoso minnasan!

Usherin' in the fourth installment of my genki sanctuary in a click of a button. Although this is a personal blog, I just can't help but come up with another Tackey-inspired one coz no matter how much I lack sleep, gain eyebags, lose sanity, die of dehydration because of excessive droolage, me thinks Tackey still remains my endless story. Leave me instant messages at my shoutbox anytime or email me and I will ganbaru on the reply. Welcome to my world...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

sugoi jyan!

Enbujou 2007 went on like a breeze this month and zachou superhuman Takizawa took his senshuuraku bow during the weekend. Of course, saying that it went on like a breeze is total opposite to what actually transpired in all 25 days ne? All the efforts poured into this musical doesn't fall anywhere near 'light and easy'. After watching Enbujou DVD of last year and knowing that Tackey's role has stretched more since, anyone who dismisses Tackey to be just another pretty face should be stricken with the Cruciatus curse (ah gomen, part of me is still in Pottermania ^^). Seriously though, somebody who worked that hard should get an award! (Is there anything like a Tony in Tokyo? C'mon!) But much as this is very rewarding to any actor, I am relieved everytime he finishes off a big project like this. Although he's still got a number of things coming up, this kind of project takes most his time and much worse, his weight! I can only *SIGH* on how his cheeks have shrunk days after the last show *sniffles*

Good thing that they shot the SAMURAI PV earlier. And speaking of the PV, TxT are not out to disappoint (well, I haven't been anyway)...

KAKKOIIIII!!!! I think I got what I asked for---- DARK and TEXTURED SWORD FIGHTS and DUSKY (almost filthy) TxT as otokoppoi as they can get *RAAAWR* And yes dear MEL, there are more flaunting of katanas on this but not THE katanas you and I fervently hoped for tsk tsk tsk XDDD I liken the texture to that of 'Gladiator' and I just love the wind blowing effects. Can't wait 'til second week of August to see this in full and of course, there are still the solo PVs to drool on. Plus, Tackey's dorama special + 24hr TV + Tsubasa's Dance Solo +++++ Better prepare the drool wipes now or I'll cause major flooding in Manila ^_^

So where have Dithers gone these days you wonder. Let's just say that aside from practically spending most of my nights infront of my computer at work and blowing $$$ online, I took a step back to see the bigger picture. Xiancai, zhaoxiang rengshi bu ming bai *teehee*

Thursday, July 12, 2007

YATTA! The new single covers are out and hontou ni, they weren't kidding when they said 'SAMURAI' ne~ Tackey & Tsubasa in their contrasting Samurai outfits brandishing their katanas. LOVELY. Just lovely. TxT can not go anymore Japanese than these on their single covers....well, unless they decide to go kabuki on the next single (O.O) Please God, no. Hell no XD Hear my prayers! So anyway, I have listened to a sample of the single and it just have that right amount of genki power (call it if you will) to give the topnotch Yomiuri Giants a boost in the baseball field. Enough to liven up the fighting spirit. Though I'm more bent to hearing the solo singles that come with the releases. I tend to appreciate the slow songs more. Easy listening ones to declutter my mind. But any TackeyTsubasa PV, as I've always said, is a welcome treat. Specially with these two bishies releasing their solo PV each this time around. It has been a while since they did that. Actually, it's been years---5 long years! And seeing the covers now, my mind is picturing TxT in a Samurai mortal combat on 'Samurai' PV. Either doing a dance-of-swords of sorts against each other or better, side by side with each other as the camera pans around them. Somewhat similar to 'KAMEN' PV but with more action to it. Do it 'ala 'Sin City' with dark hues and textures. It would be very interesting if it could turn out that way but as the release date is weeks away, will have to wait 'til then.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

butai banzai

Believe me, this is pure coincidental. When we had our creative shots taken for our new company ID more than a week ago, with a sheer 3-minute time allotment for each employee infront of the camera, I came up with this pose and it's not even in any of the pegs I have chosen before the shoot. I was aiming for a bit of a gangsta attitude on this but only recently when I was tinkering with it that I realized, I may have unconsciously mimicked Tackey on 'Dreamboy' DVD! Could it be that I did?!?! If so, then Tackey must have taken over even in my subconscious. What can I say?!?!?! I guess this would be the closest I come to cosplaying Tackey. And if Tackey takin' over my psyche be true then in that case, thank God that I don't have a black see-through net top in my closet! With a pink feather boa in sight, I would have ended up...erm...chotto ero-ero. MAJORLY ABUNAI *PHEW* hahaha!!!

Moving on from Tackey butai 2004, let's look forward to the Tackey butai 2007. The start of Takizawa Hideaki's Enbujou 2007 is just hours away and of course, Tackey must be so amped on doing this again. With new challenges to contend with, he is gonna conquer it yet again head-on. I read that he's gonna do monologues on some parts that could either mean really quick changes or possibly, doble caras. Also, he has to memorize more lines now. Physically-challenging and mentally-tasking at the same time. His boxing/running exercises should come handy and all those ramen fiesta he had during the DAME concert tour should serve well. We sure hope so. So let it rain applauses, cheers and lots and lots of sakuras (pink paper ones ne Snuffles-chan?! (^_~) ) at Shinbashi Enbujou from today and the rest of July!

Let the 2007 Enbujou commence!

PS: Since we're on the Tackey topic, I feel blest to have non-fangal friends who feed my Tackey fangal cravings every now and then. Thanks again ANNE for the Tackey stuff you brought me from your Tokyo trip. I know you enjoyed your stay here with 'I' (^_~)