V(^^)V ~ youkoso minnasan!

Usherin' in the fourth installment of my genki sanctuary in a click of a button. Although this is a personal blog, I just can't help but come up with another Tackey-inspired one coz no matter how much I lack sleep, gain eyebags, lose sanity, die of dehydration because of excessive droolage, me thinks Tackey still remains my endless story. Leave me instant messages at my shoutbox anytime or email me and I will ganbaru on the reply. Welcome to my world...

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Blogger snuffles said...

Ehhh?? u can click on their heads??? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!!

*rushes off to erm.. click on their heads*


1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! that really is cool how they do that sword movement! kakkoii~~ and good job with the PV analysis too!

5:27 AM  
Blogger Reiko said...

Omgosh, Dithers! *hi-5s u* I did the same thing too after I watched it. I just so happened to come across a 'swooshing' sound and saw Takki do that slash on my screen w/the sword and I was all 'Eh! How'd I do that again??!?? @_@ *dies* So, I so happened to run my cursor on the page and then this yellow icon thingie popped up on their heads and 'WHAM'...
gotcha. ^_^ :P I kept playing over and over Takki's one the most though. lol :P (obviously)

But anyway, kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Since my VLC isn't working right (*grrrr* ><) and I have to red/l the prog. & reinstall the newer version again onto my comp, you just did me a huge favor by making these AWESOME-looking screenies!!!! *HUGS U* Arigato gozaimasu. *bows* Now I dun have to to make'em for myself anymore (for personal use). ^_^

Btw, I just received a particular disturbing email from a particular 'someone' within the T&T fandom about using an icon that I clearly had NO IDEA it wasn't for public use from their lj. It was with the rest of the icons they had made for public use and didn't think THAT particular icon I had on my blogsite was NOT for use. >< Dame dame dame! Gosh, I really didn't think people were THAT sensitive to these types of things as small as an icon. *geeez* Sorry to have to *rant* here about this but, I had to get it off my chest since it was really bothering me to no end. I NEVER, EVER encountered anyone within the fandom (or 'real life'-online) come to me personally to *rant/rave/bitch* to me about something they've made.

I just wanted to be the first person to tell you about this in case 'this person' ever decided to *rant* to you here about this incident about me & the kind of person I am, because I'm NOT. They claimed I'm not new to the fandom already and that I should've known and asked for permission but, I really didn't know. =_= Well, now I know.

Gomen, ne Dithers. *bows to everyone*

4:25 PM  
Blogger Reiko said...

And it wasn't a disturbing email, but more like a 'threatening'-type of email. -_-

4:35 PM  
Blogger Reiko said...

[Yeah, got my CDs on time too. They sent it out 2 days earlier than release date which I hope they'd do for the next TxT items. And you scanned them all too. Maybe, get them from you then~~~ TY.]

[I also love the part when Tsubasa is giving Tackey the eye while Tackey is sitting unknowing beside him. Tsuba gave out a very cute smile after. Also Tackey's part there when he was patting his stylist's shaved head haha I was just surprised why they didn't include the earlier released SAMURAI PV version with this. Even if we already have it. JUST GREEDY *lol*]

Didya still want the Samurai cd booklet scans or don't need to? I'm sure u must've gotten your cd booklets and cds by now ne? lol :P

Yeah! I noticed those two parts too u talked about. ^_^ The first one where Tsu was sitting next to Takki and he unknowingly noticed Tsu noticing him. lol And then Takki patting his stylist on the head (shaven). lol So cuuute~

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SNUFFLES-chan, I guess by now you've clicked on TxT heads already (doesn't that sound a bit um...*lol* nevermind~) Poor TxT heads...clicked by fangals simultaneously hahaha

Thanks, SKAMMIE. I dun know why I find 3-sec samurai moves so amusing... TxT kara? Must be.

Ah REIKO, REIKO, REIKO (see, I have to typed it thrice coz you posted as much :P), I guess we are the lucky ones to discover the hidden samurai moves first then ^^ Dun you have a DVD player on your PC? Coz my DVDs wont play on my computer with VLC even if I have installed the latest version. It's just great that I have iDVD on it so I can play it here and do screenies. You're welcome on the caps. I think there are better and more SAMURAI caps posted out there somewhere.

About the mail you're talking about, one thing you would have to keep mind in this fandom (or anywhere else for that matter) is that things you MIGHT consider little, might just be big for others. Little things as ICONS, SCANS, CLIPS specially the ones produced by fangals themselves matter a lot to them (us) coz there is time and effort involve in making them that is why when a fangal shares these stuff in a forum, an LJ community, (even) Facebook or elsewhere publicly, most often than not they would ask you to give credit or they'd watermark the images (as I do) to make life easier. But still, it would be better to ask permission first as I've told you in my previous email of not so long ago ^^ It's easy to get stuff online without credits but once your own stuff are taken and used by others and you see these people taking all the credit for it or bluntly not putting credit at all as it may mean they own it, you will feel so robbed. I think you know what I'm saying already as you do share your scans on Facebook so generously.

Anyways, I know you did not mean to show any disrespect or anything and from my point of view (minus whatever transpired in the forum as Bonnie suggested on your cbox), it's just an honest mistake even if it happened twice. As you said, you didn't know and Im giving you my benefit of the doubt. But you must understand too why fangals go like that over 'little' things thus the explanation above. So as you claim it, you NOW know so there shouldn't be a reason for a third strike right? Coz if this happens again, woman, you are already pushing it *lol*

FYI 2, fangals can be possessive of their userpics coz it somehow represents them. You wouldn't want to share the same userpic with another and get people confused right?! Dun worry, there are lots of fan-made icons out there which some other fans can be generous as to let you use them for free without permission.

FYI 3, it's fandom so dun be too surprised by the people you meet.

FYI 4, bitchin' can be a fangal's way of life. As long as you keep it real and keep your courtesy, that wouldn't really be a problem.

FYI 5, my judgement is not easily swayed coz I hold my own regardless of what my friends think so no need to worry about other people coming in here and telling me stuff ahead of you. For one, as far as I know, she hasn't been here and secondly, I dun think she would be doing that. Third, I know her and she seem a nice person. I think that you two just had a bad start. But that can be repairable by saying sorry coz you honestly didn't know about those icon and stuff. Then leave it to her, atleast its off your back right?!

Hey, my reply turned to a novel! GOLLY GEE~ about your scans, dun worry, I have my CD + DVDs already. That saved you some precious time...

3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAAAHHHH~~!!! napanood ko na samurai!!! PUWETTTTTT na yan.. hehe.. rocker ang dating. hehehe.. mdownload na yan.. nghihina nmn ako. ngmedyo mukng rocker yung 2.. ahm.. yung buhok lng ni IMAI.. eh... ayoko xa ng gnun.. hahah

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oo medyo rock ang TxT dyan sa SAMURAI PV. I actually liked the concept of Tackey and Tsubasa sword-slashin with the other samurai. And just for this once, Im also glad there are no furitsukes there kasi lagi na lang may dance steps. Besides, ang macho ng TxT ha. Kita mo nman...palaban! hehehe

Actually, I have a love-hate with Tsuba's hair on that. I love his hair on the samurai parts but not much on the rocker parts.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah! i got to see this thanks to reiko! haha! but i think its neat how they had that clip play when you click on their heads! lol i figured that out when i was going to the offshot button and scrolled over tsubasas face! lol!!

hey btw, i hope its okay i added you to my friends list on the sidebar of my site. i forgot if i told you or not? lol!

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its kinda cool to have that clicking-TxT heads on the menu too. It would have been cooler if the clip was longer per TackeyTsuba head ^^

It's completely ok to add me, JAELYN. You've tagged me about it before *lol* I will update my links when I change to KIMOCHI v5 so Im gonna add you then~

5:00 PM  

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